Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Audio put somebody through the mill?

When i play online games I usually am conversation on a VOIP program. I want to be able to hold my game through my laptop speakers and my VOIP program going through the headset. Is nearby a way to do this? I also at times entail things through both my laptop speakers and my headset but when i plug somthing in to the headphone jack it turns my speakers sour, how do I make it stop this?

Compaq Presoario v2000



If you be using a desktop pc instead of a laptop. You can effortlessly have nouns come out from the headphone and speakers at the same time. Just buy buying a audio splitter.

But near a laptop this a full different story. You cant use your laptop speakers and your headset at the same time. If you hold another set of speakers than you can get an audio splitter and plug it contained by where you customarily plug in your headphone and presently with the audio splitter plugged surrounded by you can plug the other speakers in one of plugs and your headset contained by the other.

To answer your other question so that you can use your laptop speakers for games and your headset for VOIP. Well you might be capable of do this if you have a USB headset. You will requirement to change some setting surrounded by the voip program. In the VOIP program you have to set it so that the nouns output goes to your usb headset instead of the everyday integrated sound card. And this can be done.

The answers post by the user, for information merely, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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