Friday, September 17, 2010

Apple safari netowrk conenctions and internet?

ok i only just recently get a apple laptop those of you that have one no that contained by certain areas you dont stipulation a airport card to get a internet conenction u ick up networks such as linksys netgear actiontec etc...and when contained by a certain nouns with a lofty signal u get free internet minus a airport card... in most places where on earth i pick up these networks the internet works, but in a apartment complex that i live contained by i get a full signal from the gridiron linksys but the internet dosent work...why


Try this:

1] restart your computer

2] click the signal thing on the upper right side of the mac

3] click on the autograph if it dosn't alredt pop up

4] if it asks for a password then you can't but if it dosn't later it should work

5] open safari

They probably enjoy password's on there networks so that you cannot steal nearby internet...

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